UBITECH Energy Interview
Behind every project there is a team of people who work together for a common purpose. Knowing a project does not only mean understanding the results achieved or the activities carried out, but also knowing who is behind these activities, what motivates them and what were the life paths, choices and personal goals that led them to be part of a research team today. For this reason we want to introduce you today one of the frESCO partners, Katerina Drivakou from UBITECH Energy, through an interview dedicated to her.

- Would you briefly describe yourself and your career?
My name is Katerina Drivakou and I hold a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Patras with a major in Electric Power Systems. I have worked as an Energy Analyst, consulting on energy efficiency potential of commercial and industrial buildings, performing site assessments and promoting electromobility. Since 2019, I have been an Energy Researcher in UBITECH ENERGY actively participating in Research and Innovation Actions under the H2020 programme (FARCROSS, ONENET and TIGON) obtaining valuable experience in smart energy systems, microgrids, energy and flexibility markets and business models development.
- What does UBITECH Energy organization mainly deal with outside the frESCO project?
The vision of UBITECH ENERGY is to revolutionize the energy value chain with new technologies and pave the way for its new digital era. UBE was founded by a blend of experienced ICT Consultants and Energy Research Innovators, with a long track record in the identification, design, development and commercialization of research and innovation smart energy projects. Building upon a solid background in smart grid solutions, energy efficiency, renewables integration, energy markets and services, UBE provides innovative solutions to the industry fostering transmission and distribution grid infrastructure innovations and coupling electrical power and energy systems with IoT, cybersecurity, privacy, blockchain technology, cloud computing, big data analytics and machine learning technologies.
- Which is your role in frESCO?
UBE participates in the definition of frESCO novel business models and service bundles and in the activities related to their validation in a simulation environment. In addition, UBE is working closely with UBITECH in the development of the Advanced Performance Monitoring/Forecasting Module for Generation/Storage/Demand Assets and is actively involved in the development of the exploitation plan for the multi-service package toolkit, which will provide a bundle of business tools for ESCOs and flexibility aggregators.
- What are the main challenges you face in this project and how do you overcome these challenges?
One of the main challenges of frESCO project is overcoming users’ reluctancy to accept the proposed innovative services due to mistrust towards new technology. This can be overcome by showcasing to the users the economic benefits these services can offer and by providing clear and transparent information regarding warranties and compensations in the contracts.
- What do you enjoy the most about working in an international Project Consortium such as frESCO?
What I enjoy the most in frESCO is working with people from different countries all over Europe that based on their own expertise and background may focus on different aspects for the same topic. It is very interesting to watch how all the different views merge into forming the one path the project will follow.