Gironde – France

The French pilot takes place in suburban areas of the Gironde Department, at the South West cost of France in the region of Nouvelle Aquitaine. Gironde is the largest department in metropolitan France, with an area of 10,000 km2 and a population over 1.5 million people.
The region has oceanic climate, with an average temperature of 6 degrees in winter and 20 degrees in summer.
Pilot targets
– Demonstration of the approaches from the novel energy services
– Minimise the energy consumption from consumers while maintaining comfort conditions
60 |
20 |
Single-family buildings |
Energy Profile
8,379 kWh/yr/household(electricity)Average peak load: 3.6 kW |
Non applicable |
Installed Equipment
The buildings are a mixed of older and newer single-family houses, with medium to good isolation and electric heating.

Activities conducted in the pilot
frESCO’s integrated service bundles in the French pilot will mainly focus on the combination of flexibility services (being France the most advanced market in this field) with automation, behavioural shifts in the consumer and non-energy services.
Finding the right compromise and balance in the value stream will be the main challenge in this pilot phase. frESCO will have to determinate what is the appropriate value repartition that has to be distributed between the end-user (energy savings, self-consumption optimisation, cash retribution) and the operator (profitability of the offer) for a large-scale dissemination of the solution.
Other challenges include: